Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thebas Grrrr

Thebas is the main monster in Project 2B. He'll be played by a latex puppet with a ball and socket armature. Right now I'm waiting for some armature supplies to come (darn you postal service!) and passing the time by trying some different monster designs. I'm very fond of this one. My old Thebas designs made him look very lizard-like, but this design reminds me a guinea pig. I like it.

Set Progress

Project 2B will feature two stop-motion sets - a forest and a city. Each set will be built on a 3 by 4 piece of plywood. The city is progressing nicely and currently consists of an intersection and two 1963 checker cabs. Three pieces of the set are removable to allow the camera more access to it. I'll be making maybe a dozen or so buildings to occupy this space. The forest is an empty sheet of plywood at the moment and will be until I find a good place to shoot the live-action. Unlike parts of the film featuring the city, during the forest scenes I'll be cutting in live-action shots of a real forest, which I will also design the set to resemble.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Not that Lazy

I've been working all summer, but most everything is in shambles. This is kinda neat and presentable though - it's a logo for the evil bread company which features in the story. This image will probably be on a sign above the factory. I'll also be making some billboards to scatter throughout the city set, which will be one of two miniature stop-motion sets I'll be building. The city set will be full of lots of ads and stuff because one of my geeky passions is old advertisements. I'm going to plug my favorite website now because it has lots of picture of old ads and other nifty stuff too...

Friday, July 07, 2006


I've created this blog to chronicle the progress of my thesis film, titled "Project 2B" (unless I come up with something better.) I hope it will be an entertaining journey.